The Assignment
Plussupportact is the support band of one of the most popular Dutch comedians, Najib Amhali. I received the assignment with the goal to transmit a high energy, masculine and powerful image of the band, which is made by 3 extraordinary musicians who can play everything just on demand with an impressive impact on the audience.
The Solution
First of all I took their official photos under special care. Meaning, I edited them combining the musicians with backgrounds and scenarios with the intent to give that “boost” they required through powerful and high impact imagery. Dramatic skies, fire, explosions, warplanes, volcanoes, sci-fi landscapes… Everything was “pimped up” in the direction the band wanted to send their message to. Then, after their approval, designing a one page website interface was relatively simple.
Briefing and Concept
Photo Editing
Web Design
Their launch party was a blast!
Eye-catchy images
The edited images had a great success and everyone was asking about how they came out with that idea…
Simple one-page design
Everything is quite simple and fast to read, from general information to breaking news to photo-video galleries to the agenda. Scrolling up and down and getting images in movement gives even more dynamics to the website and empowers the high-energy concept.
Perfectly blending with the Band's image
Black, gold, flames, dramatic skies, high contrast and black & white pics, everything matches with the live impression of Plussupportact, making their website a realistic preview of their impact on stage.

- Complexity Level 55%
- Resources Usage 70%
- Technical Rendition 90%
- Cost Effectiveness 100%
The Results Were Amazing
Plussupportact were so happy with the result that they’ve posted it all over the web, from Social Networks to their own blogs. Working in tight contact with their keyboard player and mastermind Alexander Broussard I could verify step by step every single detail of my design and every function has been developed accurately following their needs, so that there’s not even a line of code less or more than necessary.