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Standard Time Package (STP)


Congrats, you are one step further to getting things done!

Click on the dropdown menu Product/Service Category below and then select the Product/Service Type you want me to deliver to you.

Before completing your purchase please read carefully both the Product/Service Type description that appear below right after you’ll have made your selection and the Additional Instructions you will find at the bottom of this page.

SKU: #STP00001 Category:

Every Standard Time Package is made of 4 hours of my time and its fixed price is set to € 100,-

Close to each and every Product/Service Type you will find an indication about the minimum amount of Standard Time Packages (STP) that are required to get your project done.

Therefore, every Product/Service Type has a preset price based on the minimum amount of Standard Time Packages required to complete the specific task, as specified above.

Please pay attention to what follows:

  • Shouldn’t you find the Product/Service Type you have in mind among the options, then please select “Other” from theProduct/Service Type dropdown menu, and leave the amount of Standard Time Packages (STP) on 1 as suggested.
  • In case of Product/Service Types like for instance Furniture Design and Craft or Interiors Renewal and similar generic items, you purchase just 1 STP (€ 100,-). This means that you are placing an option to define together with me the exact kind of service/product you require and to discuss the terms of our agreement;
  • In both cases, once I’ll have received the order I will contact you, then we will discuss your project and determine the required amount of Standard Time Packages together. You will then receive a coupon code in order to complete your order and activate the job. In the unfortunate case that we shouldn’t come to a satisfying agreement, you are gonna receive back the amount of 1 STP (€ 100,-) that you’ve already paid.

In any case, after the purchase you will receive an email with all the instructions on how to get in contact with me and discuss your project in detail: requirements, planning, delivery.


So what are you waiting for? Make your choice and go get things done!


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